Kamis, 30 September 2010
SHINee MV 'Hello' Teaser dan Track List of Repackage Album
masiih teaser sh tapi,, okeeee ^^
jadi gak sabar dh nunggu MVnya,,,
Album repackage
1. Hello
2. 하나 (One)
3. Get It
Minho SHINee jadi Model MV nya VNT
Tadi malam SHINee muncul pada 3 statsiun televisi
Sebelumnya, kita tahu bahwa SHINee mengunjungi Presiden Korea hari ini.
Setelah kunjungan, mereka muncul di semua 3 Stasiun Penyiaran Berita, malam ini.
The 3 Stasiun Penyiaran berita itu adalah SBS, MBC dan KBS.
Check out 3 video mereka..
SHINee dan Timnas Bola Wanita Korea U-17 Kunjungi Presiden KorSel
Hari ini, SHINee mengunjungi Presiden Korea, Lee Myung Park bersama tim sepakbola nasional Korea untuk Piala Dunia U-17. SHINee diundang untuk hadir karena dipilih oleh banyak pemain dari tim nasional sepakbola cewek ini sebagai idola mereka. Di acara tsb, SHINee menampilkan 2 buah lagu, yaitu “Noona Neomu Yeppo” & “Ring Ding Dong”, dan pastinya membuat para pemain jadi senang.
Berikut foto2 lainnya…
LOL, Pak presiden juga gak mau kalah saing gayanya… pake ngasih tanda V segala buat posenya… Ibu negara nya juga tuh, wah Hwaiting!!!
Credits: AFC
(me2day) Key and Jonghyun
Rabu, 29 September 2010
BoA Menutup Twitternya Karena Shawol ???
BoA baru2 menuai kontroversi dengan Shawol karena membocorkan comeback SHINEe lewat twitterny beberapa waktu lalu. Akhirnya, BoA mensetting twitternya menjadi akun private pada 29 September.
Masalahnya apa sih ??? Jadi, ceritanya Shawol gak rela atau mungkin gak suka kalau BoA membocorkan rencana comeback dan peluncuran album idolanya itu.AKhirnya timbullah rumor, kalau comeback SHINee dimajukan dari rencana awal gara2 BoA membocorkan berita ini lewat twitternya. Karena hal ini pula, BoA menerima banyak komentar membencinya dari Shawol.
Pada 28 September, BoA mentweet…
“Kalian pasti mengerti, kalau tidak mungkin comeback SHINEe berubah dari jadwal semula hanya karena tweet dariku, ya kan? AKu mentweet karena aku mendukung mereka dan artikel soal comeback mereka sudah dirilis hari ini.”
Meski sudah diklariufikasi, masih aja ada Shawol yg mengirim komentar kebencian pada BoA. Akhirnya, BoA mem-private akunnya.
Para netizen berpendapat…
“BoA sangat menyukai Twitter, apa kalian harus berlaku berlebihan agar dia menutup akunnya ?”
“Kalian senang sekarang, ya kan ???”
“Mereka hanya mendukung satu sama lain, kenapa fans jadi marah ?”
walaupun q juga shawol tapi q setuju , shawol terlalu berlebihan,,
menurutq itu malah menguntungkan , q aj seneng waktu baca tweetnya,,
tapi mian yya buat yang tersinggung,,
Just my opinion,, ^^
Selasa, 28 September 2010
SHINee 2nd Repackage Album Tracklist
02. Hello
03. 하나 (One)
04. Get It
05. UP & DOWN
06. Electric Heart
07. A-Yo
08. 욕(慾) (Obsession)
09. 화살 (Quasimodo)
10. 악 (Shout Out)
12. Your Name
13. Life
14. Ready or Not
15. Love Pain
16. 사.계.후 (Love Still Goes On)
02. Hello
03. 하나 (One)
04. Get It
05. UP & DOWN
06. Electric Heart
07. A-Yo
08. 욕(慾) (Obsession)
09. 화살 (Quasimodo)
10. 악 (Shout Out)
12. Your Name
13. Life
14. Ready or Not
15. Love Pain
16. 사.계.후 (Love Still Goes On)
Minho ‘SHINee’ enggak kuat mengendong Shinyoung ??
SHINee Minho memang tinggi dan memiliki otot-otot yang keren, namun kelihatannya ia gag cukup kuat untuk mengendong Kim Shinyoung.
Pada MBC Chuseok Special Idol star Athletics Championship para idola berjalan dan melompati rintangan diantara permainan lainnya. Pelawak Shinyoung ambil bagian dalam lari 100M tapi dia jatuh tertelungkup ke tanah.
Idola yang lain langsung mengelilinginya untuk membantu dia. Minho mencoba menawarkan jasanya untuk mengendong sang komedian di punggungnya, tapi baru berdiri minho udah gag kuat,, hiks,,Untung ada Shindong yang akhirnya ngegantiin Minho gendong Shinyoung.
Dan ini videonya!!
Siapa yang paling ‘aegyo’ di SHINee??
Kita semua tau ( Shawol ), kalo kelima member SHINee semua nggemesin, cute2, imut2, cakep2, keren2 >,< ( #lebay ) tapi anggota lain punya pendapat lain.
Pada episode terbaru KBS2TV’s Nocturnal bintang tamunya adalah Jonghyun, Minho, Key, dan Taemin ttapi gak sama Onew, soalnya dia sibuk sama latian drama musikal.
Minho, yang tampak malu, menyatakan, “Mengapa harus aku?” Namun, ia segera membuat ekspresi wajah yg manis dan juga dilakukan di MV debut mereka, ‘Noona is so Pretty’.
Senin, 27 September 2010
SHINee akan perform “Hello” tanggal 1 Oktober
khan udah ada berita lewat [Twitter] BoA : “SHINee Akan Comeback”
berarti tgl 1 khan??
Nah, sekarang ada berita kalo album SHINee bakal keluar tanggal 4 Oktober nanti!
Kalo tanggal 1 Oktober mereka bakal perform “Hello”.
Di albuma ini, SHINee bakal hadir di acara music bergenre trendy R&B. Vokalnya juga lembut dan lagu ini seolah-olah buat cewek spesial ^^
Tunggu ajja 2nd repackaged keluar tgl 4 Oktober nanti!! ^^
Asyik jadi gak sabar nunggu mereka comeback :D
[Twitter] BoA : “SHINee Akan Comeback”
Mian, sebenernya ini berita kemaren tapi q blom sempet nge-post jd baru q post,,
BoA ngebocorin tentang comebacknya shinee,,
langsung aj,,

Setelah hari libur dan akhirnya lagu2 populer sudah ditayangkan…
SHINee yg bersinar akan segera comeback !!! Hehe aku tidak akan bosan lagi deh di ruang tunggu^^ Hehe sejak pagi ini aku diperlakukan dengan banyak hal baik dari kalian, terima kasih^^
BoA ngebocorin tentang comebacknya shinee,,
langsung aj,,
Setelah hari libur dan akhirnya lagu2 populer sudah ditayangkan…
Minggu, 26 September 2010
Minho Ingin Seperti Siwon
Member SHINee, Minho dengan terang2an bilang seperti itu pada Siwon.
Pada 24 September di MBC Chuseok Special “Happy days”, dengan tema “Idol stars of Republic of Korea, conquer the world” meliput perjalanan konser SMTown 2010 di LA dan Shanghai.
Saat itu, Minho melihat Siwon yg sedang duduk2 di kursi koridor, dengan cepat lari ke arah Siwon, lalu mereka berpelukan. Dan dia merkata,“Siwon hyung, aku sanat menyukainya, aku ingin seperti dia. Dia sangat jago dalam banyak hal dan di waktu yg sama, dia memperlakukan aku dengan baik.”
Sabtu, 25 September 2010
shinee expression
sample sentence shinee member :DD
Ini ada cuplikan (#cuplikan kok banyak??) kata-kata member shinee yang menurut q lucu dari mulai tentang dirinya sendiri sampe coment mereka tentang yang lain tapi mian gak q translate..
1. (key)
“What are you looking at? .. is it your first time seeing a pretty girl? ..”
2. (jonghyun)
Fan: ‘Kim Jonghyun pabo’
Jonghyun: ‘You too’
3. (jonghyun)
Fan: ‘Oppa!!!!’
Jonghyun: ‘What!!’
4. (key)
[FBG Host]: ‘Key likes girl groups, right?’
[Key] : ‘Oh, yes, yes…WHAT?’
5. (key)
Key: [Referring to Amber] ‘She is my baby.’
Amber: ‘And he’s my boo.’
6. (minho)
“I know about women. I know that they’re not men”
7. (key)
Key: [Referring to Amber] ‘Actually it is he not she.’
Amber: ‘HE?!?!’
8. (jonghyun and minho)
Jonghyun: ‘minho-Goon … saranghaeyo’
Minho: ‘WOOAAAH’
10. (onew)
Fan: “I’m right behind you……….”
Onew: “Behind me is the wall.” (LOL)
11. (taemin)
In an Interview: ‘What do you want to say to those who want to become a star?’
Taemin: ‘If you work hard, then everything will be fine. Fighting!’
12. (minho)
In an Interview : ‘What do you want to say to those who want to become a star?’
Minho: ‘Mine would be, If you don’t give up your hopes and dreams, then there would always be a good result/ending.’
13. (key)
Key: ‘We have something at our dorm that no one else has.’
MC: ‘What is it?’
Key: ‘We have a snail!’
14. (key)
“I want to try being quiet like Minho but I CAN’T..”
15. (key and onew)
Key: ‘I want to get married early.’
Interviewer: ‘How early?’
Onew: ‘Tomorrow, do it tomorrow.’
16. (onew)
“His (Minho) voice is so low that I think the sound comes from the soles of his feet.”
18. (key)
“Should we just deceive everyone and debut as a girl group?”
19. (key)
“I think I’m the prettiest.” (yeah you’re right :p)
20. (minho)
“Being pretty is a crime.”
21. (jonghyun)
[talking about Minho listing SHINee’s numbers in his cell] “He put ‘My Lovely’ in front of our names!”
22. (onew)
“Mmm…I am very delicious…”
23. (key)
Fan: ‘I love you, Minho!’
Key: ‘I also love you, Minho!’
24. (key)
“Instead of saying that we [SHINee] are good friends, we should be a called a family instead. We are a family.”
25. (onew)
Question: ‘Which part of your body you’re most pleased with?’
Answer: ‘Eyebrows!’
26. (key)
“A lot people have sent me keys as presents. A while ago, someone sent me car keys, but that person wouldn’t tell me where the car is!”
27. (minho)
“It’s not that I am the kind who talks little, it’s just that the members talk too much.”
28. (taemin)
Question: ‘Member habits that you hate?’
Answer: ‘Rolling over me when I sleep!’
29. (jonghyun)
“I don’t know how to ride a bike. Honestly.”
30. (taemin)
“Blood type B aren’t bad boys, believe me. If so, do you believe that Key hyung, Minho hyung, and I are bad too?”
32. (onew)
“Talk to my body.”
31. (onew)
“The butterfly went to heaven and became a butterfly necktie.”
33. (onew)
“I want to play Geum Jandi in Boys over Flowers.”
34. (key)
(referring to Taemin) “I can’t let him get married like this!”
35. (minho)
“The reason why SHINee is able to shine so brightly is because we have you all.”
37. (minho)
“If I become the class president, I’ll kiss all of you…”
38. (jonghyun)
“Taemin is cute. I’ll pick Taemin. Taemin is pretty.”
40. (onew)
“My lips went inside the sheep’s fur. It was my first kiss. What is this? Why did the staff make me do this?!”
42. (taemin)
“When something’s hard, smiling helps us in the end, and it becomes fun.”
43. (taemin)
“Onew hyung usually smiles a lot but when he’s serious, I can’t stop laughing.”
44. (taemin)
“Ever since I was young, I really liked Santa Claus. He gave out free gifts!”
46. (onew)
“I think everyone keeps on growing. I’ve grown about 0.0000001 mm? (laughs)”
47. (taemin)
“Although we’re not under the same sky for today, please do not forget that our hearts are always together with you all!”
49. (taemin)
“Minho hyung, please love me even more.”
“Minho is eating his fingers. Please give us food.”
53. (taemin)
“Our fans are the rice and SHINee is the soup— an irreplaceable existence.”
56. (taemin)
“I’ve been busy with my schedule, so I didn’t have the time to check my height. I hope I grew. Did I grow?”
58. (taemin)
“I was bored of being the good son, so I decided to be naughty!”
60. (key)
“It’s so hard to get one word out of him (Minho).”
61. (taemin)
“Hyung, we can’t have a girlfriend then?”
62. (minho)
“I have to talk for more than a minute? What can I say? One minute is too long!”
63. (minho)
“I don’t know if Taemin knows that I care about him. Taemin, you know it, right? You only have me, right?”
64. (key)
“Didn’t I tell you not to touch things without umma’s permission?”
68. (taemin)
“Hello, I am SHINee’s youngest— No, Leader Taemin is here!”
71. (taemin)
“Honestly, I also think that the dongsaengs younger than me are… little kids! ^^”
72. minho)
“Love drives us CRAYYYYJJEY”
77. (key)
“Why are you so pretty? I can’t forgive your beauty!”
78. (key)
“So my dream isn’t to become the “best”, it’s to be someone who I’m not ashamed to be.”
79. (jonghyun)
“Oh my god. Mathematics?”
80. (jonghyun)
Fan: ‘I’m getting married with Minho oppa tomorrow’
Jonghyun: ‘Congratulations go go’
81. (jonghyun)
“I love you SHINee, you jerks.”
82. (keY)
"I can’t hide who I am.
I can’t say things I don’t mean, say that I like things I hate, or hate things I like.
And more than anything,
I can’t lie to myself.
83. (Key)
"I feel sometimes whatever I said will be misquoted and everyone will think that I’m an arrogant and irritating guy. So I hope everyone will not misinterpret my words and actions. I’m not a bad guy, hope everyone understands that whatever my thoughts are, there are reasons and conclusions."
84. (onew)
"Well, if you’re talking about perfection, I’ll show you the image of my backside."
85. (onew)
"You can not appreciate the beauty of the sky at night without these five shining lights."
86. (jonghyun)
"When Taemin came back to the dorm with his new hair, it was so long, “Huh! Are we going with this hair?” It was so long. I thought he was a woman. He is so pretty… Hair was even swinging in the back… It was beautiful…Heh."
87. (taemin)
"It was my first time seeing people with blonde hair overseas. So I was like, “Ah, this is overseas."
88. (onew)
"This is my friend that we use a lot. Say hello to the trampoline."
89. (jonghyun)
"Onew has the confused image, but he is indeed confused."
90. (onew)
"Minho can play sports better than he can sing."
91. (key)
"Onew always walks coolly in front of many people but in the end he trips."
92. (onew)
"Mmm…I am very delicious…"
93. (taemin)
"Minho hyung, what’s that facial expression you have on when you’re on Dream Team? Stop acting!"
94. (key)
"Then, we should disguise ourselves and debut as a female group? As a female group we should come out with “Oppa you’re so handsome”. We’re going to be the best, like the 2nd FINkL and SES."
95. (jonghyun)
"Once key starts eating, it’s as if the floodgate has just opened. It’s to the extent that he cannot even close the door of the refrigerator."
1. (key)
“What are you looking at? .. is it your first time seeing a pretty girl? ..”
2. (jonghyun)
Fan: ‘Kim Jonghyun pabo’
Jonghyun: ‘You too’
3. (jonghyun)
Fan: ‘Oppa!!!!’
Jonghyun: ‘What!!’
4. (key)
[FBG Host]: ‘Key likes girl groups, right?’
[Key] : ‘Oh, yes, yes…WHAT?’
5. (key)
Key: [Referring to Amber] ‘She is my baby.’
Amber: ‘And he’s my boo.’
6. (minho)
“I know about women. I know that they’re not men”
7. (key)
Key: [Referring to Amber] ‘Actually it is he not she.’
Amber: ‘HE?!?!’
8. (jonghyun and minho)
Jonghyun: ‘minho-Goon … saranghaeyo’
Minho: ‘WOOAAAH’
10. (onew)
Fan: “I’m right behind you……….”
Onew: “Behind me is the wall.” (LOL)
11. (taemin)
In an Interview: ‘What do you want to say to those who want to become a star?’
Taemin: ‘If you work hard, then everything will be fine. Fighting!’
12. (minho)
In an Interview : ‘What do you want to say to those who want to become a star?’
Minho: ‘Mine would be, If you don’t give up your hopes and dreams, then there would always be a good result/ending.’
13. (key)
Key: ‘We have something at our dorm that no one else has.’
MC: ‘What is it?’
Key: ‘We have a snail!’
14. (key)
“I want to try being quiet like Minho but I CAN’T..”
15. (key and onew)
Key: ‘I want to get married early.’
Interviewer: ‘How early?’
Onew: ‘Tomorrow, do it tomorrow.’
16. (onew)
“His (Minho) voice is so low that I think the sound comes from the soles of his feet.”
18. (key)
“Should we just deceive everyone and debut as a girl group?”
19. (key)
“I think I’m the prettiest.” (yeah you’re right :p)
20. (minho)
“Being pretty is a crime.”
21. (jonghyun)
[talking about Minho listing SHINee’s numbers in his cell] “He put ‘My Lovely’ in front of our names!”
22. (onew)
“Mmm…I am very delicious…”
23. (key)
Fan: ‘I love you, Minho!’
Key: ‘I also love you, Minho!’
24. (key)
“Instead of saying that we [SHINee] are good friends, we should be a called a family instead. We are a family.”
25. (onew)
Question: ‘Which part of your body you’re most pleased with?’
Answer: ‘Eyebrows!’
26. (key)
“A lot people have sent me keys as presents. A while ago, someone sent me car keys, but that person wouldn’t tell me where the car is!”
27. (minho)
“It’s not that I am the kind who talks little, it’s just that the members talk too much.”
28. (taemin)
Question: ‘Member habits that you hate?’
Answer: ‘Rolling over me when I sleep!’
29. (jonghyun)
“I don’t know how to ride a bike. Honestly.”
30. (taemin)
“Blood type B aren’t bad boys, believe me. If so, do you believe that Key hyung, Minho hyung, and I are bad too?”
32. (onew)
“Talk to my body.”
31. (onew)
“The butterfly went to heaven and became a butterfly necktie.”
33. (onew)
“I want to play Geum Jandi in Boys over Flowers.”
34. (key)
(referring to Taemin) “I can’t let him get married like this!”
35. (minho)
“The reason why SHINee is able to shine so brightly is because we have you all.”
37. (minho)
“If I become the class president, I’ll kiss all of you…”
38. (jonghyun)
“Taemin is cute. I’ll pick Taemin. Taemin is pretty.”
40. (onew)
“My lips went inside the sheep’s fur. It was my first kiss. What is this? Why did the staff make me do this?!”
42. (taemin)
“When something’s hard, smiling helps us in the end, and it becomes fun.”
43. (taemin)
“Onew hyung usually smiles a lot but when he’s serious, I can’t stop laughing.”
44. (taemin)
“Ever since I was young, I really liked Santa Claus. He gave out free gifts!”
46. (onew)
“I think everyone keeps on growing. I’ve grown about 0.0000001 mm? (laughs)”
47. (taemin)
“Although we’re not under the same sky for today, please do not forget that our hearts are always together with you all!”
49. (taemin)
“Minho hyung, please love me even more.”
“Minho is eating his fingers. Please give us food.”
53. (taemin)
“Our fans are the rice and SHINee is the soup— an irreplaceable existence.”
56. (taemin)
“I’ve been busy with my schedule, so I didn’t have the time to check my height. I hope I grew. Did I grow?”
58. (taemin)
“I was bored of being the good son, so I decided to be naughty!”
60. (key)
“It’s so hard to get one word out of him (Minho).”
61. (taemin)
“Hyung, we can’t have a girlfriend then?”
62. (minho)
“I have to talk for more than a minute? What can I say? One minute is too long!”
63. (minho)
“I don’t know if Taemin knows that I care about him. Taemin, you know it, right? You only have me, right?”
64. (key)
“Didn’t I tell you not to touch things without umma’s permission?”
68. (taemin)
“Hello, I am SHINee’s youngest— No, Leader Taemin is here!”
71. (taemin)
“Honestly, I also think that the dongsaengs younger than me are… little kids! ^^”
72. minho)
“Love drives us CRAYYYYJJEY”
77. (key)
“Why are you so pretty? I can’t forgive your beauty!”
78. (key)
“So my dream isn’t to become the “best”, it’s to be someone who I’m not ashamed to be.”
79. (jonghyun)
“Oh my god. Mathematics?”
80. (jonghyun)
Fan: ‘I’m getting married with Minho oppa tomorrow’
Jonghyun: ‘Congratulations go go’
81. (jonghyun)
“I love you SHINee, you jerks.”
82. (keY)
"I can’t hide who I am.
I can’t say things I don’t mean, say that I like things I hate, or hate things I like.
And more than anything,
I can’t lie to myself.
83. (Key)
"I feel sometimes whatever I said will be misquoted and everyone will think that I’m an arrogant and irritating guy. So I hope everyone will not misinterpret my words and actions. I’m not a bad guy, hope everyone understands that whatever my thoughts are, there are reasons and conclusions."
84. (onew)
"Well, if you’re talking about perfection, I’ll show you the image of my backside."
85. (onew)
"You can not appreciate the beauty of the sky at night without these five shining lights."
86. (jonghyun)
"When Taemin came back to the dorm with his new hair, it was so long, “Huh! Are we going with this hair?” It was so long. I thought he was a woman. He is so pretty… Hair was even swinging in the back… It was beautiful…Heh."
87. (taemin)
"It was my first time seeing people with blonde hair overseas. So I was like, “Ah, this is overseas."
88. (onew)
"This is my friend that we use a lot. Say hello to the trampoline."
89. (jonghyun)
"Onew has the confused image, but he is indeed confused."
90. (onew)
"Minho can play sports better than he can sing."
91. (key)
"Onew always walks coolly in front of many people but in the end he trips."
92. (onew)
"Mmm…I am very delicious…"
93. (taemin)
"Minho hyung, what’s that facial expression you have on when you’re on Dream Team? Stop acting!"
94. (key)
"Then, we should disguise ourselves and debut as a female group? As a female group we should come out with “Oppa you’re so handsome”. We’re going to be the best, like the 2nd FINkL and SES."
95. (jonghyun)
"Once key starts eating, it’s as if the floodgate has just opened. It’s to the extent that he cannot even close the door of the refrigerator."
Info tentang Ultah Key
SHINee ngarayain ultah Key lebih cepet satu minggu yaitu tgl 16 Sept. Yang ada sih cuma Key, Minho, Jjong. minho pake kacamata yg bisa nyala gitu (yang waktu itu dipake taem pas ultahnya), terus Key pake bando tanduk yg bisa nyala, Jjong bawa notes buat nutupin muka (dia ga pake make up, lol). karena perayaan ultahnya cepet banget, makanya minho belom beli kado buat Key, terus ada ngobrol", sama ada fansign juga.
Hello, aku SHINee Key..
Key pake bando ? lucu!! :p
Kira-kira jjong ngado apa yya?? pengen tauu deh,, haha :DD
Key's Birthday Message
Hello, aku SHINee Key..
Kemarin adalah hari ulang tahunku, banyak orang yang merayakannya, jadi aku sangat senang~
Bagaimana Chuseok kalian? Aku pergi ke kota Daegu dan menghabiskan waktu dengan keluarga dan teman-teman.
...Apa kalian senang? (tentang perayaan Chuseok)
Aku harap semua mendapat kebahagiaan! Sampai bertemu lagi, bye bye!
Key pake bando ? lucu!! :p Kira-kira jjong ngado apa yya?? pengen tauu deh,, haha :DD
Jumat, 24 September 2010
“Hello! This is SHINee’s Almighty Key. Yes, everyone, today is the day I was born. Ta-da. Yes, I really thank you a lot for congratulating me so much, and uh, I’m putting in a lot of effort this way and that way to try and read it all, ha ha ha ha. And also, because it happened to overlap with Chuseok I was able to share much happiness. I will continue to work hard together with the members. Thank you so, so much and I will become a Key who shows a better image in the future. Thank you, bye.”
Kamis, 23 September 2010
Key Birthday
Saengil Chukae Hamnida
met ultah yya oppa q tersayang :DD
moga panjang umur dan semakin sukses !!
shawol akan terus mendukungmu ^^
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